This Page Presently an outstanding of Review as Carb Back loading official site. Just take little time to see at our Review to explain that John Kiefer exposed with free of Scam Issue.

Most great nutrition research comes with no indication of how to use it. And most programs telling you what to do come with hardly any basis in science. With Carb Back-Loading, you finally have a scientific system that comes completely assembled. You'll learn how it works, but more importantly, you'll get a full blown handbook of body recomposition that spells out how you can immediately put it to use.

The general promise of CBL is that you can eat the foods you like, such as pizza, ice cream, fries and so on while still managing to lose fat and build muscle. This is a bold claim that the author, John Kiefer himself says “seems” too good to be true. But apparently he has research to back it up and oh does he ever. One of the plus points of CBL is that it is very well researched and just one quick glance at the mountain of text that is the reference section, shows it.

Keifer says Carb Back-Loading was built on an intricate understanding of how every human body burns and stores fat and builds muscle and you really get a sense of that when reading this huge 300+ page book. While some consider large books a downside (mainly the cockbags who can’t read), I consider it a plus since it educates the clueless ones on why the protocols that’s included, actually work and the reason behind the utter madness.

But if big books do happen to be your kryptonite, fear not. John basically gives away the entire method within the first few chapters unlike most books where you have to read till the f*cking end to find out what you have to do. Actually I do that in mine, but it’s for a specific reason. Still, this “give shit away and explain later” is a welcomed approach, specially for fitness pro’s like me who already have a grasp of concepts like insulin sensitivity, glycogen depletion, carb load etc. Having said that, I still had a good time re-reading it from another person’s perspective. So it’s pretty much a guarantee that you’ll get a solid education out of it.

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