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The Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol is an eBook available that can significantly better your health. The author, Mr Jacob Ezra, has devoted 27 years of extensive research and over 250 case studies to develop his 5-step plan to help heal fatty liver and obesity. Mr. Ezra is a holistic medicine practitioner whose only specialties are fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. He has helped thousands of people, whose testimonies are available to read. These folks, by following Mr. Ezra’s protocol, have not only lost weight, but have returned their liver enzymes to normal and have experienced relief from other health problems.

The health of a person’s liver is so very vital because it is second to the brain as being the most important organ in the body. The Fatty Liver Bible further explains that, despite this critical fact, that the liver doesn’t have the capability to warn you when something is wrong, due to a lack of nerve endings. A person’s whole health depends on the health of their liver, but because it isn’t capable of producing significant pain, someone could be suffering from liver failure and not even know it. A person with significant liver damage could experience little or no pain, so if they suspect they have liver problems, it is vital that they make a change to their lifestyle.

The Fatty Liver Bible further explains that once your liver is impaired, toxins build up, and in the end, your liver actually poisons you instead of keeping you healthy. It could lead to weight gain as opposed to burning the fat it is supposed to burn, and can eventually lead to cancer. Without proper care, a person’s chances of developing liver cancer or cirrhosis increase significantly.

There is hope, however fatty liver is reversible in almost 100% of cases. Mr. Ezra goes into depth about what kind of foods you are supposed to eat for liver health, and what other foods you should avoid like the plague. For example, although it is a popular concept that fruit is healthy for you, certain fruits can be very dangerous for someone battling fatty liver. This is because our bodies do not have the proper enzymes to metabolize fructose. In fact, the majority of sugar from the fruit is turned right into fat in our bodies. The Fatty Liver Bible contains a list of 6 foods to strictly avoid, and another list of foods that will help heal liver tissue.

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