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Fundamentals of Your Feminine Voice is a radical, step-by-step program guaranteed to provide you a passable feminine voice. It consists of the most efficient voice feminization methods available, tested and proven on thousands of transgender women just like you. This program is diverse because it was created by two of today's top voice specialists a certified Speech Language Pathologist and an internationally known recording artist. The Fundamentals of Your Feminine Voice program contains all the information you need to know to transform your voice, starting today.

Resonance is a tough concept to get, but it's one of the most important aspects of voice feminization. Resonance has to do with the "ring" of your vocal tone. Males have a throat space that is as 1-1.5 times larger than women. This makes a larger resonating chamber which results in the voice having a fuller, deeper quality to it - even when the pitch is the similar. Think of it as the difference between blowing through a tuba and blowing through a flute.

Pacing refers to the speed (or rate) of speech, while phrasing refers to the number of words per breath. Men tend to speak in shorter bursts followed by pauses, while women speak in longer flowing sentences.

Another divergence between the sexes is that men tend to speak more monotonously. Women use more melodic intonation and vary the pitch of the voices within a phrase or sentence. You also want to get the actual words women use into consideration. That's why understanding the “philosophy” of feminine communication is important (and that's why we cover this topic in the program).

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